Multi-sensory processing

Install & Setup

run pip install -r requirements in order to install the basic requirements.

run python misc/ in order to start the time server. run python misc/ for a process that logs all of the raw sensor data to disc.



Sensors are responisble for passing raw sensor data to the reset of the system. Any process requiring this raw data can then suscribe to the data stream and do the processing required.


A pre-processor subscribes to a sensor and chunks up the data into more managable pieces and sends them out as events. As data streams can be quiet heavy, it is not advided to send them directly as events, and instead pass them through a pre-processor which aggregates and prunes the data for one or more processors who are interested in processing this data.


Processors receive events with data, processes them (e.g. a gaze-tracking processor would calculate who is currently looking at who from the raw eye-tracking data).

Time server

The time server lets all of the components of the system have a centralized time, so that synchronization of data streams is possible.


Messaging is done with rabbitmq, but as such another message broker could be used.


The system is built to be distributed over several machines. And having stand-alone applications running on each maching focusing on performing some kind of work.